Monday, August 2, 2010

How Does Hair Club Work?

hair club questionsA friend made an appointment for a consultation the other day and before they went in asked me what they could expect. Figured I'd post it here as well.

Hair Club Consultation

Once someone contacts Hair Club, he or she scheduled for a consultation where their budget, lifestyle, & hair restoration needs are evaluated. By the time they leave, they should have received a hair loss treatment plan that's was customized to match their needs which may include a hair transplant surgery, non-surgical bio-matrix or extreme hair therapy (EXT). The solution you get will be mostly based on your level of hair loss and whether or not you can afford surgery.

Hair Club for Men Non-Surgical Biomatrix

Pretty much what happens is your hair is color matched and the directional patterns on your scalp are duplicated. They then create a hand made high-quality toupee that is professionally fitted to your scalp by a licensed cosmotologist with medical grade adhesives. Then they give you a haircut so that your natural hair is cut in with the piece, and blends seamlessly. It requires regular visits to maintain the look, but not much more than your normal monthly haircuts. Also, their stylists have all worked with these systems for a number of years and are crazy good at making it look natural.

Follicular Transplant Procedure

The Hair Club use the follicular transplant surgery since that's supposed to be known as the best long-term solution for thinning and balding hair. Basically, a section of scalp is removed from the back of your head, then entire strands are plucked out, follicle and all, then re-planted into the front of the scalp or wherever the balding is occuring. These hairs grow like normal and because they're transplanted one by one, so that they don't look like plugs. The entire procedure is done in just one day, and under local anesthesia. Most people prefer this solution as it is permanent.

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